
Page 7 of My Book "Photo Letter "

Brush Art "Woman"(Feb. 3, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

Thank you for your letter. I can see that your mother is so stubborn and makes you nervous and irritating. You must have been very pre-occupied handling things at your mom. You have to be alert to take care of her. By the way I just finished my brush art "Woman". As you know, I try to challenge things nobody does. Brush art is one of them. I artistically write the letters of the alphabet with a Japanese brush. This is a new field of art. How do you like this work? First of all I wrote "Woman" on the thin Japanese paper, and then I put it on red styrene paper. You can see that "Woman" has blood through the thin paper. She is now alive. This is the only one in the world drown as a nude in Japanese brush, which I am sure nobody has ever seen like this. Take care.


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