
Page 8 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Maki Shrine (Feb. 5, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

Today I went to get a therapeutic system relying on manipulation of bones and muscles. It seems like chiropractic. It is about 50 minute's ride from Sugeo. My left shoulder, legs and back hurt me. I screamed on the bed. He did not care about it at all. But after that I felt really comfortable. He is good. I visited "Maki Shrine" where is not far from there. It was just being rebuilt. What you see in front of you is a guardian dog. A shrine usually has a pair of them. Many people visit this shrine on New Year's Day. I prayed for your mother's early recovery and your health. I have been always thinking of you. You say sometimes you lose track of time and days get away from you taking care of your mother in bed. I wish I could help you.


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