
Page 2 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Temple Roof with the Snow Remained (Jan. 5, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

We celebrated and enjoyed a New Year's Day. It did not snow at that day but did heavily Jan. 3. I had something to do at Kumamoto city where has a prefectural government on Jan. 5. The snow still lay a little bit in many places. I saw a little temple on my way home. I pulled over the car and got out with a camera. The temple roof was sheeted with copper. It must have been white when it snowed. But the snow stuck just a little to the blue roof that verdigris formed. Actually there were several electric wires above the photo. I trimmed them away. I hated to see them in the photo. You will see them wherever you go in Japan except big cities.
It is cold here. I guess it is same there ,too. Don't catch cold.


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