
Page 6 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Morning of Bamboo Forest(Jan.30,2010)

Dear Stephanie

I got up earlier this morning. It was a beautiful morning. There was no snow on the ground and the blue sky was shining. I went out carrying a camera as usual and walked into the bamboo forest. I felt the air cold and fresh. The ground was covered with dead leaves of bamboo. It was really soft and gentle. The sun was shooting from among the green bamboo leaves. Just bamboo forests and Japanese cedar groves are green at this time. I got a nice shot. Do you feel the atmosphere 'Morning of Bamboo Forest' looking at this photo? How do you like it? I hope you will be able to enjoy it.



Page 5 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Temple Gate (Jan. 14, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

This is another photo of the temple gate. I am also sending it to you. I love this temple gate. It has just a few simple reliefs on the beam but the structure is strong and firm like an old Japanese samurai. The wooden structure makes you yearn and feel at ease. Don't you think so? There is a belfry upstairs. You will find the main temple when you go up the stone steps in front of you. Wooden culture in Japan has a long tradition and history. We have nice wooden culture here in Sugeo, but nobody is aware of it. Because people get used to seeing it too much. Anyway I love the temple gate. Of course I love you, I love you, I love you, Stephanie.



Page 4 of My Book "Photo letter"

Temple Gate after the Snow (Jan. 14, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

We also had a snowstorm yesterday, but it was fine today. I exactly felt the air fresh and the sunshine made me happy. So I decided to enjoy myself taking photos. I put on rubber boots and got out. It seemed that the countryside was covered with shining silver blanket everywhere. There is a little temple of Kohgenji in our district of Sugeo. It has a nice and beautiful wooden gate. It is beautiful, isn't it? The snow of the tiled roofs started melting. No one walked through the gate. There was no footprint on a white blanket. I took the photo of the temple gate. I am enclosing it with this letter. I am sure you will be pleased to see it.



Page 3 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Snowstorm (Jan.13,2010)

Dear Stephanie

We had a snowstorm. I had never experienced such a snowstorm, so I was excited very much. I ran out of the house with a camera and took a lot of photos running around in the yard. This is one of them. The chestnut trees that I love is really bare. They just stood there to endure being blown by the snowstorm. The bamboo forest kept roaring with their hair tossing about like a crazy woman. You cannot see snow so that you live in California, can you? Why don't you come here to see snowstorm? It is fun, you know. I dreamed of you last night ,too. I will send you hug and kiss.



Page 2 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Temple Roof with the Snow Remained (Jan. 5, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

We celebrated and enjoyed a New Year's Day. It did not snow at that day but did heavily Jan. 3. I had something to do at Kumamoto city where has a prefectural government on Jan. 5. The snow still lay a little bit in many places. I saw a little temple on my way home. I pulled over the car and got out with a camera. The temple roof was sheeted with copper. It must have been white when it snowed. But the snow stuck just a little to the blue roof that verdigris formed. Actually there were several electric wires above the photo. I trimmed them away. I hated to see them in the photo. You will see them wherever you go in Japan except big cities.
It is cold here. I guess it is same there ,too. Don't catch cold.
