
Page 18 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Sulfureous Cosmos (Jul. 21, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

I like to take photos using the backlight effectively as you know. I tried that this time. This is a sulfureous cosmos. You can see them wherever you go here in Sugeo at this time. I put it in a little glass bottle, that I love and placed it by the sliding window screen. It was 9:02 when the sun was shining outside. I cut out the moment. You can see the bamboo forest through the screen. The rainy season is over and summer is just beginning to run. So it is not so hot yet. The flower will sure relieve you. I will devote this photo to you with my love.



Page 17 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Rain in the Back Yard (Jul. 11, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

You see the rain falling in the back yard. It is now the rainy season in Japan. But it will be over soon. The rainy season usually starts in June and is over in mid July. The wet green leaves are those of a Judas tree. It comes into flower in March or April, but just flowers. After all the flowers are gone, leaves come out just like cherry trees do. Anyway this rain is blessing of God for all the plants and farmers. I am looking at the rain from the window of my room. It is getting hard. What you can see in the center is chestnuts and behind them is Japanese cedar grove.
Falling rain, falling rain Wash away everything sorrow you have
Falling rain, falling rain Bring back everything happy you had
Falling rain, Falling rain Be sure to make you merry and happy



Page 16 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Chinese Hackberry (May 22, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

I shot the photo of this Chinese Hackberry that stands by the front yard entrance this morning. The other day I met an old woman. " It has stood here quite a while. " said the woman looking up at the Chinese Hackberry. I said hello to her on her walk. It was the first time for me to have seen her though she told me she often passed by my house. " I have become the oldest in the village." She looked lonesome. Then a shade of short stature that straightened up was leisurely going away toward the coming dusk. I wondered how old the mossy Chinese Hackberry was looking up at it.



Page 15 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Rhododendrons in the drizzle (May 19, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

Look at these rhododendrons. Aren't they beautiful? It was drizzling. The sky was gray. But they were really proud of their beauty. They were shinning. Don't you think so? I was attracted by them immediately when I got out of the entrance this morning. Actually they are really fine in the sunshine, but they are more beautiful in the drizzle just like you. You are always bright and shinning. You are my sunshine, and also your mother's one. Remember that. I love you.


Page 14 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Light and Shade (May 12, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

How are you? How is your mother? Did she go to the doctor this month? What did the doctor say? Tell me about that.
By the way this is the entrance of my house. Today I tried to take an interesting photo to show " light and shade" using the backlight. I shot from the inside of the house. I heard that people had a custom to keep the dark inside the house in the countryside. When the sliding door of the entrance is closed, you need light. The vivid color of the outside comes out in the space kept open wide. The rhododendrons look brightly red among the fresh green of May. The rhododendrons and azaleas in the yard are in full bloom now. I wish I could show you them...sometime.



Page 13 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Miyama-Rhododendron (Apr. 25, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

It was 6:43 pm. The sun was sinking. The bright colors of the sunset through the bamboo forest I own were backlight from this angle, but you can see the Miyama- Rhododendrons shine beautiful. Miyama means "in the depths of a mountain". It is prohibited to bring them back out of mountains. It is illegal but the previous owner of my house worked at mountains, so he did. Anyway they are very beautiful. He enables me to enjoy them. I have to thank him. It is dark now. You cannot see the rhododendrons in the bamboo forest any more. I am going to bed. Good night.



Page 12 of My Book " Photo Lettter "

Rice Paddy Shelves (Apr. 25, 2010)

Dear Stephanie

Have you ever seen " rice paddy shelves " like these? Long ago there was not much arable land in the places among the hills. People had a hard time bringing slopes of the hills under cultivation struggling against many difficulties. So we call such reclaimed land among the hills rice paddy shelves. These spread down 1.6miles. They were plowed and filled with water waiting for transplantation of rice seedlings around Jun. Rice is delicious here in Sugeo. Because underground water of Mt. Aso, an active volcano springs out and the difference of the temperature between day and night is large. I think the rice paddy shelves are a nice sightseeing spot to town dwellers. I really want to show you. I love you.
