
Page 1 of My Book "Photo Letter"

Digital Photo Art
Chestnut trees in the Snow (Dec. 20, 2009)

Dear Stephanie

This photo is extremely processed and arranged. I named this kind of work "Digital Photo Art". How do you like it? Don't you think I succeeded in this work as Digital Photo Art? I am sure you will enjoy it.
It heavily snowed. The snow lay on the bamboo forest, chestnut trees and Japanese cedar grove you can see behind the chestnut trees. I lived in Tokyo over 40 years, you know. I had never had such an experience to walk in the deep snow, so I was really excited. You know, it was a great fun to run around in the yard carrying a camera. I took a lot of photos of snow. I will send you more. Say hello to your mother.



I am planning to publish another photo album.

I had an idea to publish a photo album last year. I sent a manuscript to several publishers in the States but no one accepted my offer. One of the editors mailed me to say,"The photos are inferior." I knew that. I told them in my sale's letter that I was not a professional photographer, I just enjoyed myself taking photos around here Sugeo and I would like to show those photos of our countryside different from theirs.
Anyway I am planning to publish another photo album because I believe that I have improved the skill of photography. I expect the book to be available in a cheap paperback A4 edition. I have to find a publisher that will be interested in my work and want to buy the manuscript. Would you tell me if you know such a nice publisher? I am going to show you one by one every time I finish a page of the photo album.

The title is "Photo Letter From the countryside of Sugeo Where We Moved from Tokyo, Japan".

Book Cover

Cover Photo
Chestnut Branches Remaining Snow (Dec. 21, 2009)

Dear Stephanie

We moved here Sugeo April 1, 2009, you know. It was in the middle of Spring. And we first had the chestnut trees covered with silver frost Dec. 7. Then it was Dec. 16 that it snowed for the first time. Everything was blanketed with snow.
I have bamboo forest in the front yard. It spreads into the next door's lot. There are two chestnut trees in his lot. They are big and old. I love those chestnuts. The bamboo forest and chestnut trees were also all in white. Christmas is just around the corner. We must have a white Christmas this year.
I wish you a nice and merry Christmas!
