
Photos I took before spring has come

Clouds in the Evening of Sugeo
It is time when I feel spring on not only buds of trees and flowers but also clouds' color.

Wintry Trees (Digital Photo Art)
This is the photo I took when I walked into the thicket. I processed and arranged it like an oil painting.

Wintry Trees on a Cloudy Day
I always look at these trees when I take a walk. I guess maybe they are ginkgo trees, but I am not sure because I have spent the country life shortly though I can see if they have leaves.

Ginkgo Trees in Winter
First Japan cedar woods are often seen in Sugeo and next is, I think, chestnut groves and then bamboo forests. Ginkgo groves are seen last. I heard there were a lot of ginkgo groves, too when the production of ginkgo nuts was popular here.

Tree in a Wintry Field
I am sure you will feel winter in this photo.

White Little Shed beyond the Green Grass (Digital Photo Art)
I imagined a children's story processing the photo. I am sure I have succeeded.

Basket Woven from Vines by An Old Man in Sugeo
There lives an old man in the neighborhood. He has a skill to weave baskets from wild vines 'Tudura'. But he told me sadly that there was no successor in that district any more.

Camellias in Drizzle
It was drizzling on that day. I found camellias among the trees that grew naturally on the side of the path on my way home. Striped camellias are rare to see. They lined up properly.